ADF4351 Evalution PCB
ADF4350 and ADF4351 loader layouts
Component ordering
All Connectors/PICs/FR4 and etching materials in stock
PCB Manufacture
FR4 blanks cut, cleaned and sensitised
I decided to try LED UV exposure on these boards so ordered some 3W UV LEDs
Also cleaned out the etching tank and ordered some pipe clamps to stop a slight leak I found on the air pump feed. This had caused a quantity of etchant to form a pool in the tray I keep it in, over the months of inactivity. The problem with the etchant is that it stains any clothing it gets on, hence the enthusiasm for stopping leaks and keeping everything as contained as possible.
Started to write the loader program using a PIC12F629.
This should be amply big enough for what is really a simple job.
The most time consuming issue has been reading the data sheet for the ADF435X and sorting out what needs to go in each register in what order.
© David Wrigley 2000-16